Life Together
“Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” - Matthew 18:20
Fellowship At St. Andrew’s
Our Women’s group is committed to growing in faith, affirming their gifts, supporting one another in their callings, engaging in ministry and action, and promoting healing and wholeness in the church and community. The group meets at 10:30am on the first Wednesday of the month. Members contribute in a number of creative and generous ways to the overall social ministry effort of the church.
Our Men’s group gathers at 6:30pm on the second Tuesday of the month to build community with one another by sharing a meal, supporting faith journeys, studying the Word, and establishing means to share our resources, talents ,and abilities in the mission of our congregation.
The Women's Book Club meet every other month at a group member's home. This is a socail gathering as well as a book discussion group and a great way to get to know other women in the church community.
The “seniors” that make up our Young At Heart Group are very active at St. Andrew’s. This group meets monthly during the year for field trips, meals,and fellowship. Call the office or look at our calendar for the latest events.
Tables of Grace is a supper club type gathering for members of St. Andrew’s. Meeting for dinner in groups of 8 or so you will get to enjoy fellowship with those who you would not ordinarliy have to opportunity to get to know. We hold one round in the fall and one round in the spring.