Growing in God Together
All Sunday School classes meet at 9:30 each Sunday morning. Teachers of Sunday School classes use age-appropriate lessons which help children learn about the Bible to live out their faith in daily life.
The children and the adults who work with them experience together, in Christian community, the many exciting and meaningful stories and messages of the Bible appropriate to the children's increasing maturity.
Adults enjoy a variety of classes to fill their spiritual cups. All Sunday School groups meet at 9:30 a.m.
The Genesis Class most often studies the lectionary readings for that Sunday, but also delves into topical series several times each year.
The Sojourner’s Class is comprised of faithful followers who have been learning and sharing a love for Christ throughout their lives. They follow an Augsburg Fortress curriculum.
The Women’s Class brings together diverse generations and stages of life coming together to learn that God’s love abides in all of us.
Pastor Trump’s love of teaching goes beyond his time in the pulpit. He provides several opportunities to dive deep into God’s Word to learn what formed the faith of Jesus and to explore how His teachings can guide our every day lives.
Retired and Restless Bible Study meets at 11am on the second and fourth Wednesdays.
Disciples Bible Study has two separate sessions per week, so that a variety of work/life schedules may be accommodated. There is a Monday morning session at 11:00 a.m. and the topic is repeated on Wednesday evenings at 5:45, either in person at the church or via Zoom.