God’s Love Endures Forever
St. Andrew’s has a rich tradition of worship that balances the need for creativity and newness with respect for tradition and roots. This is the worship of the people, led by the people, for the people of God each week. There are lay readers, communion assistants, singers, lay assistants, ushers, communion presenters, bell ringers, and much more. Children and youth help lead worship in meaningful ways on a regular basis. We also have several choirs and numerous musicians who enrich our worship with their talents. Worship is in interactive experience as we are gathered together to sing God’s praises.
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This Week’s Worship
You can find all of our past worships on our YouTube page.
Click the image to watch now.
Wear what will make you comfortable - there’s no dress code. Some people dress more formally and others are very casual, so you will fit in fine in a suit, or dress, or in jeans. What you wear isn’t important; we’re just glad you’re here.
Children of all ages are welcome in worship. We understand that some wiggling is to be expected and we provide quiet activities for them to use during the services. If a small break is needed during the service, parents can step out with their children into the open area of the narthex where they can still see, hear and experience worship. An usher is always available to assist parents meet their children’s needs so that all may enjoy worship.
Yes and yes, no questions asked or requirements needed. If you have specific questions about the Sacrament, please contact our church office to speak with Pastor Trump or Deacon Holland.
Everyone is welcome. We have visitors from all denominations and sometimes from other religious groups.
The Lutheran tradition is rooted in the ancient Catholic church and continues many practices that have been in use for centuries. Kneeling and standing are simple ways that we can show reverence to God and to God’s Word.
We have a formal liturgy that is followed during each service. Our worship is often interspersed with contemporary elements through our music and in dramatic presentations.
Visitors may park in the designated spaces in the lot accessed from Atlantic Drive. A ramp is found near the front door in the circle drive, also accessed from Atlantic Drive. You’ll be greeted at the door with a warm welcome and offered assistance from an usher or church member.
We believe in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. More information can be found on this page.