Be Servant Of All
Serving At St. Andrew’s
"What good is it if you say you have faith but do not have works?" - James 2:14
Through SC Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a national association of Lutheran churches, St. Andrew’s gives a portion of its budget to help the larger church in its mission. The church also allocates part of its budget to the Newberry College Fund and Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.
Each year through the Social Ministry Committee, St. Andrew’s donates money to local charities such as Cooperative Ministry, Harvest Hope Food Bank, Free Medical Clinic, Resurrections, Washington Street Methodist Soup Kitchen and others to support their daily service and mission.
St. Andrew’s is a longtime supporter of the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, and regularly serves as a teaching parish for seminarians.
We have also developed a deep partnership with Gamecock Lutheran, the Lutheran Campus Ministry at USC, and some of their students often join us for worship and other activities.
Non-perishable food items are donated by St. Andrew’s members and are delivered to a neighboring church, Virginia Wingard Methodist, for their local food pantry and to Harvest Hope Food Bank for distribution.
The former parsonage on the church campus is used by Lutheran Services Carolinas as a Refugee Resettlement House. In a joint effort between LSC and St. Andrew’s, this home is provided to people from across the world who have suffered persecution in their homelands. The Welcome House offers a temporary safe place to vulnerable refugees and helps them transition into a new life and culture before placement into permanent housing.
Family Promise provides a rent-free, safe, and loving “home” while equipping families with the knowledge and resources they need to sustain their independence in a home of their own. Family Promise is a national, non-profit initiative founded in 1986, with affiliates in more than 180 U.S. cities, Family Promise brings the faith community together to help families regain their housing, their independence, and their dignity. It offers opportunities for volunteers of all faiths to reduce homelessness and transform lives.here St. Andrew’s fihererst became involved with Family Promise in 2017. Our support includes, but is not limited to financial suport, meals, social activities, Christmas gifts, celebrations, mentoring families. To learn more click here.
Our building is used all throughout the week for a variety of group meetings.
AA typically meets in the Social Hall on Mondays and Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm and Saturdays from 10:30-11:30am.
SA typically meets in the Social Hall on Sundays at 7:00pm.
Al-Anon typically meets on Tuesdays from 12:00-1:00pm and Saturdays from 10:30-11:30am.
Throughout the week our building is regularly used by a number of other groups, including ESL classes and Karen Baptist Church of the Myanmar community.