Welcoming All God’s Children
All Sunday School classes meet at 9:30 each Sunday morning. Teachers of Sunday School classes use age-appropriate lessons which help children learn about the Bible to live out their faith in daily life.
The children and the adults who work with them experience together, in Christian community, the many exciting and meaningful stories and messages of the Bible appropriate to the children's increasing maturity.
Little Lutherans is a group for infants - 2nd grade children and their families who meet once a month for fellowship and service to grow in faith together.
Luther League is for the 3rd - 5th graders at St. Andrew’s. We meet once a month for fellowship and service. This parent-led group is a great way for kids to build relationships with their church friends as they grow and develop in the church and in life.
The St. Andrew’s Youth Group is for teens 6th-12th grade. The youth group meets at least once a month for activities including outings, movie nights, faith based learning, and service projects. We also take overnight retreats at least once a year. During the summer months we complete service projects in our community and travel to attend programs focused on service ministry. Every 3 years we attend the ELCA Youth Gathering along with 30,000 other Lutheran youth from across the United States. The youth group is currently a part of an initiative through the ELCA called the Formation Co-Op. This is a 2 year program that roots young people in a lifelong and transformative faith in Jesus that is experienced through life-giving communities.
All 1st-5th graders are invited to meet on select Sundays during the school year to prepare musical offerings for worship services. We explore lots of different types of music and instruments all while learning about the importance of musical offerings in worship and growing together in faith!
One Sunday of each month during the Sunday School Hour, children in the 2nd through 5th grades gather for drama exercises, theatre games and improvisations. Children then practice a skit based on one of the day’s lessons, and those who desire present their skit in church during 10:30 worship. Through this program the children learn Bible stories, explore their faith, life skills, and build relationships with each other.
One week each summer, children ages 3 - 5th grade come together for a fun time of growing in faith. During these evenings, children will learn Bible stories and will also participate in games, drama, crafts, and music. This mid-summer fun with church friends shouldn’t be missed!