Make A Joyful Noise
Music at St. Andrew’s
Sing psalms and hymns among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord. - Ephesians 5:19
All 1st-5th graders are invited to meet on select Sundays during the school year to prepare musical offerings for worship services. We explore lots of different types of music and instruments all while learning about the importance of musical offerings in worship and growing together in faith!
Lutheran worship is grounded in a strong musical tradition. At St. Andrew’s, our music includes expressions from cultures around the world and every age. We invite you to join us this Sunday and make a joyful noise to the Lord! The Adult Choir is open to adults, from high-school age and up. Members enjoy being an integral part of the worship services each Sunday as they lead the congregation in the liturgy and sing anthems that complement the readings of each service. The Adult Choir also sings at other special services throughout the year. If you have a love for singing and a desire to contribute to the ministry of the church, we welcome you to join the choir at any time. The Adult Choir rehearses almost every Wednesday night at 7 pm.
Ensemble offers guitarists, percussionists and singers the opportunity to lead worship, offer special music, and to present and familiarize our congregation with a variety of musical styles. If the idea of jamming with an informal group that loves to sing excites you, please come find out how you can add to our mix! Middle schoolers through adults are welcome to join us!
Dive into the world of handbells with our choir every Monday at 7:00 PM. Regardless of your musical background, discover the art of bell ringing in a welcoming environment. From beginners to seasoned musicians, our choir embraces all levels of expertise. Join us to experience the unique beauty of handbell music and foster connections within our community.
As music is a vital part of worship, there often are times where special music is used to add to the worship experience. Instrumentalists, vocalists, and others add to the service. All ages are invited to add to the worship service and should contact the Music Director for more information.